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Benefits of cloves for weight loss - here's how to take it and when to take it

 Benefits of cloves for weight loss - here's how to take it and when to take it

Cloves are said to be an herb that helps lose weight and burn body fat , which inspires some people to consume them on a diet in different ways. Is this true?

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 Benefits of cloves for weight loss - here's how to take it and when to take it

According to the Times of India website, cloves play a role in weight loss for the following reasons:

Cloves help increase metabolism, stimulating the body to burn more fat deposits.

Cloves contain compounds that help regulate blood sugar levels, making them beneficial for diabetics.

Cloves contain cholesterol and fatty acid properties.

To ensure weight loss using clove drink, it should be prepared as follows:

Mix 50 grams of cloves with 50 grams of cinnamon and 50 grams of cumin seeds.

Put a tablespoon of this solution in a cup filled with warm water.

Let the alcohol cool slightly.

Flavor the drink with a teaspoon of honey.

Drink the drink on an empty stomach before breakfast.

However, cloves should be consumed in moderation, as excessive consumption has a negative impact on the body's health, causing digestive disorders, muscle pain, and fatigue.

For his part, Dr. Bahaa Naji, a medical nutrition consultant, said that cloves help in losing weight indirectly by playing a role in improving blood circulation in the body.

Naji adds that cloves provide a high percentage of antioxidants in the body, which regulates blood cholesterol levels and reduces body fat.

To enhance the body's metabolism, and then lose weight very effectively, a nutritionist recommends cloves, pepper, cinnamon and cumin seeds.

He explained that the benefits of cloves are not only limited to weight loss, but they also have antiviral and antiviral properties, along with their ability to boost the immune system, especially when taken with lemon, which is rich in enough vitamin C.
