📁 آخر الأخبار

The story of the village of scorpions by the writer Muhammad Shaaban Al-Arif

 The story of the village of scorpions by the writer Muhammad Shaaban Al-Arif

Centuries ago, in a village in Egypt, they say that sins can turn a person's life into hell. They also say that the beginning of the steps of immorality and curses begins with a single step, and a person gets used to it to some extent after that it remains a habit for him; It is natural that getting used to sins leads to destruction.

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Mounir El Shafei

This is me

I am 25 years old

He lived in one of the rural villages, and as usual in our village, people were good and in their condition, but they were also ignorant, and ignorance breeds misconceptions among people, and these misconceptions remain habits and circulating words that people get used to and consider them normal things for them even though they are wrong and All of it is ignorance upon ignorance, and the most important wrong term that was used in our village is the term (knowledge) or (knowledge)....

This title is known by all those who work in magic and witchcraft. For our village, it was one of the things that Muslims believe in, like eating and drinking. For example, if someone from the village had any disease or any problem, he would not go to a doctor or to the police. No... anyone would stay at Crisis used to go to some of those who work in magic, but I did not believe in this issue and I used to see that whoever goes to a knower or a knower will remain a stupid and ignorant person, our life was walking to some extent, and on the day I came back from my work in my father’s land, may God have mercy on him, I found my mother crying I entered through the door of the house and went and sat next to her and asked her...

- What's wrong with you, Om Mounir, why do you give me?!

My mother looked at me and said sadly...

- All girls get married, and your sister doesn't get grooms.

I replied to her and I'm trying to ease her...

- My mother, this marriage is a division and a share, and then it is not possible to delay her marriage, for a wisdom that God knows.

My mom replied sarcastically...

- No, my son, your sister must have work for her from one of her friends or her neighbor... Tomorrow in the morning I will go to the acquaintance, Um Hassan, and she will see her money.

I hit her fist with a fist and said nervously...

- Either you know who you are, or... We will praise you for magicians and magicians at the end of time.

My mom replied angrily.

- What magicians and magicians... Any knower or woman who has a gift from God and is able to see the horoscope, what is hidden and what is hidden from our eyes.

I replied to her while I got up and went out to my room...

- Do what you do, mother, but I am not satisfied and do not agree with your words... Do you know what God made her see the horoscope!!!

My mother slept and went out of my bed, changed my robes, ate and slept because she did not like my words, nor did she like them. Except for one day and the next, my mother and sister did not speak to me because they were almost angry with me until it had passed 3 days... That day I came home as usual after a day of misery and cultivation in On the floor, I entered my room, I found my mother preparing food for me, and after I ate, I changed my clothes and slept on the bed, but suddenly I woke up to the sound of a knock on the door of my room. .

- Who??.... Who knocked on the door!

No one answered me, so I said that I may have heard wrongly, or maybe I was worried, for example, I entered my room again, closed the door on me, and entered to sleep on the bed, but as soon as I straightened my body, I heard the sound of footsteps under the bed, footsteps under the bed.. How is this!!!

I got up and turned on the gas lamp and looked under the bed, but I didn't find anyone, nor did I find anything strange, so I got out and sat on the bed again, but as soon as I sat down, I heard a woman's voice behind me saying...

(The poison will become like blood, and it will spread like fire among them)

I turned around to see who she was talking to. Behind me, I found a woman sitting on the bed with her back facing me. I didn't see anything from her, so I got up and went towards her while saying it...

- Who are you, lady, and how did you get here?!

I didn't want to hit me until I got close to her, and as soon as I stood up for her, I found her she flew off the bed and hit me, I hit her on me, she fell on the ground and she stayed on my chest, her features were not clear because her face was black, I tried to push her from me but I couldn't move as if I was I was satisfied, I kept hitting my legs on the ground and with my hands I was trying to get her away from me but she was very strong and I was not able to do it, suddenly she brought her face to my face and screamed with all her might and with her scream many scorpions started coming out of her and looking at my body... I felt With their little legs and their pinch in my body...The pain was unbearable and the sound of my screams almost reached the end of the country, but also what was unbearable was the thick smoke that filled the room because of the fire caused by the gas lamp that I was holding when it fell from me to the ground, I kept screaming while I was recovering to some extent The pain of scorpion stings and the intensity of the smoke made me shut up and kept calming myself until I started to lose consciousness and I saw the fire everywhere around me and I also saw the woman who was sitting on my chest and behind her standing two other women exactly like her... the world started to get dark And my sense of life began to disappear, and my body began to succumb to fainting or death.........

"2015 somewhere before the entrance to Minya Governorate, Egypt"

While working on developing the desert road; The company digging found its workers before the entrance to Minya governorate in a desert place, tombs buried under the ground, so the government summoned a committee from the Ministry of Antiquities to discover and find out what these tombs are, and I was a member of this committee....

Walid Al-Dakrouri

This is me

I work in the Ministry of Antiquities

I was a member of the committee that was going to visit the place of the tombs that the workers discovered by chance while they were digging during their work in developing the desert road before Minya. Ordinary and not related to archaeological tombs; This is what was clear from the tombstones... But the question here is, how did these cemeteries become underground like this? What is a strange thing also that the cemeteries of ordinary people apparently have not been discovered for thousands of years, and there is no need for them to remain underground in this way!

* Centuries ago in a village in Egypt *

The end of deceit and magic is blackness over all... And blackness will prolong idle in falsehood and the innocent before the criminal; Blackness will prolong the innocent because he saw the mistake and remained silent, and the criminal will prolong because he was the reason that blackness is permissible for everyone......

I am Jamal Hamdan

I am 18 years old

He lives in a rural village in Egypt. Life in our village was like the rest of the villages around us of agricultural lands, livestock and houses, but the difference in our village is the presence of sorcerers in a lot... People in our country believe in magic to the extent that they call the witch a knower and the sorcerer a knower, they don't know what they know but people called them This is because they say that they know and see things that we as ordinary people cannot know or see...!

The story started from the day I caught a glimpse at night while I was sitting in my room at the window of a strange thing in front of our house, which was like all the houses in the village, consisting of one floor. At that time, I saw at night the woman, Um Munir, our neighbor, and she was spraying water at the door of our house. I thought that what you were doing was evil, until the second day I noticed strange symptoms in my sister. My sister began to convulse and speak in a voice that was not her own; At that time I intervened and said to my mom and dad...

- We have to give it to Hakim.

Mom replied...

- No, we are Indians for the acquaintance Abu Imad.

I reacted angrily to my mother and told her...

- Do you know what, mom... and you, dad, are convinced of her words?!

Dad answered me firmly...

-Your mother is right...your sister is enchanted, she and her two daughters are enchanted, since they were with us yesterday and they walked with the three of them in the same condition, strange convulsions and talking in voices not their own, we must take your sister and take her so that he can see what happened to her.

I fought with them, but the fight was useless because they heard the words of their brain and took it on the same day to one of the imposters; But their visit was useless because my sister also remained tired as she is. The addition is that they were convinced by the words of the knower who told them that my sister had a job and in order for this job to fall apart, she had to drink from the strange water that he gave them in a strange-looking bottle..

All this didn't matter to me. I was the one who cared about Umm Munir, who decided to go to her house and ask her about the water that I sprayed outside our house. My mother is dying, and my father is dying. Her son, Munir, whose condition frankly becomes difficult for the infidel... Munir was going out to cultivate his father’s land, and he was silent in a way that was not normal. At night, I went to Munir's house, and as soon as I knocked, I heard screams from inside, and after that I saw thick smoke coming out from under the door.But the strange thing is that I noticed a lot of scorpions started coming out of the house, I was still going to act or call someone, but suddenly I moved away from the door and ran towards our house because I heard the sound of my mother’s voice, I ran towards the house that when I entered it, I found my mother and father standing next to the bed of my sister who had a corpse, Oh, my sister died, and my father and mother were standing crying over her, but in the midst of all this, I heard voices and sounds of commotion coming from outside the house. I'm still going out to see what's going on.

I ran and tried to get my mother and father out, but the fire started spreading at a terrible speed around us, and along with it, scorpions were spreading that started coming out from under my sister’s bed. I tried to escape from the house, me and my family, but the thick smoke made us unable to breathe and we started to pass out one after the other. I sat on the ground towards the door of the house, which was not opening, and I kept screaming with all my might, but my screams increased when I felt the scorpions walking on my body and pinching me. Unfortunately, I could not resist and began to close my eyes. The last thing I saw was my sister and her two daughters with her, but their shapes were changing, their bodies were black and their hair was scary, as if they had become demons... I tried to resist, but my resistance was weaker than all the factors around me. I started to give in and close my eyes, but before I could close I heard a sentence coming from my sister...

(The poison will become like blood, and it will spread like fire among them)

And with this sentence, my end was when I closed my eyes and didn't feel after that anything.....


We entered the tombs as an examination committee with a group of workers with us, but we did not discover anything strange because we discovered that these tombs are ordinary tombs, not archaeological ones... The tombs were clear that they were ordinary people who lived in this place, but the whole place was desert and there was nothing to indicate that he was there. People already live in it before!

A permit was issued to transfer the remains of the bodies that were buried in these cemeteries to other cemeteries, and the government said that the company would complete the excavation and development work on a road. Until one day, I found an envelope on my desk... The envelope was written on it that the one who sold it was someone named (Uncle Muhammad Khader), this man was one of the workers who transported the bodies from these strange cemeteries to the charity cemeteries, I grabbed the big brown envelope and opened it to find inside him.....

* Centuries ago in a village in Egypt *

When the resurrection comes, it will not differentiate between the rich and the poor, and when the wrath of our Lord will come upon people because of their ignorance and lack of faith in God and their belief in wrong beliefs and habits, then anger and punishment will not differentiate between the son of a farmer, the son of an employee, or even the son of a mayor.....

I am Ragab Khayal

I am 16 years old

I am Ibn Owais Al-Khayal, the mayor of the village of Al-Aqrab, and if you will ask me why our village was given this name, I will tell you that I really do not know anything for sure that I can tell you that our village was called by this name for this reason, but the elders in the country say that a time before this village was built and inhabited by people A hotbed for insects, especially scorpions, but with the presence of people and their gathering in the place... The country has become clean and scorpions no longer appear, and there are other people who say that the country was given this name because it is full of witches and charlatans or as people call them knowing....

Nabi, I don’t know what they know, but I woke up to the world, I found my family, and all the people around me say that anyone who practices magic and works knows, my life was a beautiful life and it was all running, playing, jumping and playing... Oh, my right to be spoiled for what I am the mayor's son; Unfortunately, life began to change with the return of my sister from her friend, Hamdan's cousin. My sister, from the moment she returned from her, was upside down.

- What do you think, father, when we take it to the uncle of Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Bajouri, he is a righteous man and the imam of a mosque and he will never do anything that angers our Lord and for sure...

My father interrupted me while he was telegraphing me....

- What is this... By God, you have grown up and you have an opinion, O Rajab, O son of Zainab, Sheikh Mahmoud, who did your sister give to in the mosque, and then from my nation, I mean, we treat the clothes-clothed in the mosques!

Your sister is being treated with magic, and no one knows how to undo magic unless he is one of those who know. I will take your sister and take her to the most knowledgeable one in the country, and you, my brother, stay with your Sheikh Mahmoud al-Bajouri, disappointed.

My father told me that, and he took my sister and they went to one of the sorcerers in the town or as they say (and he called her to Aref)... I kept waiting for him at home until he and my sister came back, but when my sister came back with him, she looked very tired and it was clear that she was tired He didn't say anything, my sister's appearance made me ask my father what he did with the acquaintance... He replied to me and told me that he had taken her to an old acquaintance who told him that she had stepped on sprinkled magic and that magic would break when she drank from a bottle that looked strange, so he amazed her, honestly I wasn't convinced And the house will get wet, and I walked and went to the mosque, I entered and prayed, and after I finished the duty of our Lord, I sat with Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Bajouri in front of the mosque, and I told him what was happening to my sister, and after I finished my words, he answered me and said...

- Do you think, Ragab, my son, how did God's wrath work?!

I looked at the Sheikh in astonishment and told him...

- And what does God's wrath have to do with what happens to my sister, Uncle Sheikh?!

answer me....

- What is the one with your sister? This is a test and the test, my son. God sends him to the servant for two reasons. The first reason is that he is lost and God tests him to return him to the path of truth. The second reason is that he is a righteous servant, and God tests him to test the strength of his faith and see that he will weaken the temptations of Satan. Nor will it remain stable.

I replied to the sheikh with a question...

- Well, what is my sister's fault? My sister is good and in her condition, and...

The sheikh cut me off.

- Your sister is like most of the girls in the country, and your family is like most of the people of the country. Any problem that happens to them, they go to magicians and charlatans and seek help from them. Magic, my son, remains a solution to problems. Oh, but a temporary solution is not permanent. What lasts is faith in God Almighty... And God, my son, gets angry at those who commit sins while they are intending and continuing in their sins.

I replied to the sheikh...

- I mean, what my sister has is anger from God?!

Sheikh replied...

- God knows best, my son... But may God heal us and protect us from the punishment of the Almighty God. Ignorance, my son, has spread in a strange way in the country, and my voice is barking with the people who come to the mosque to pray, and by the way, your father is one of them. Many say that those who know Wizards and charlatans, and their visit to them does not prevent evil or bring good, but most of those who come to pray do this so that people see them and call them pilgrims and committed in congregational prayers, and they do not really believe in God, because if they really believed in Him, they would not have gone to the magicians Wal....

The sheikh's words were interrupted by sounds of loud commotion and commotion outside the mosque. He and I got up to run to see what was going on. People were running and the houses of the town were getting excited, but one of those running caught my eye, he was running fast and he was saying..

(Oh, a dirty year, children... The houses of the country are burning, even the mayor's house was not spared from the fires)

Mayor's House!!!

O black and rainy day, our house is burning...!

These were my words that I told the sheikh, and after that I ran towards our house, but before I reached the house, I caught a glimpse of the woman (Umm Hassan) standing in front of her house, screaming and saying incomprehensible words about jinn, about poison, about a storm, and 40 days!!

I didn't understand anything from what she said because I didn't catch up with her because I was running fast and also because her son Hassan took her and entered their house, who also started to get mad after they entered him. I reached the direction of our house, which I found burning, but when I heard the screams of my father and my sister inside him, I felt that there was hope that I would get them out. I tried to enter through the door, but the fire prevented me, so I broke a window and entered through it. It was the window of my sister’s room. Also, their shapes were strange and their clothes were full of blood and dirt and scorpions were walking on every part of their body, and their bodies were thrown on the ground by my father as he looked at them in horror and said...

- How did you die, my daughter, and wake up again, then who are these and where did this fire come from, it and the scorpions!!!

My sister replied...

(The poison will become like blood, and it will spread like fire among them)

The first time she said that, the scorpions began to multiply in the room. I went towards my father and tried to straighten him, but unfortunately the scorpions became so numerous around us that they covered the floor and the walls of the room. My father and I stepped on them and tried to go towards the window, but unfortunately the scorpions caught up with us and pinched them with smoke. The fire that spread throughout the house made us sit on the floor, I began to shake off the pain, and my father in moments left a dead body next to me because of the smoke that we could not bear, and the sting of scorpions that touched us. I could not close my eyes, I saw my sister and the two girls who were with her, and their looks were very strange and not clear because their hair was falling on their faces. I recognized my sister from among them because of her clothes... But I do not know what happened to her and who are these and why my sister remained like this And how... In the end, I surrendered, closed my eyes, and began to watch, while I was convinced inside me that this was the wrath of our Lord, which Sheikh Al-Bajouri told me about...


The envelope had written on it that the one who sold it was someone named (Uncle Muhammad Khader). This man was one of the workers who transported the remains of the bodies from these strange graves to the charity cemeteries. I grabbed the big brown envelope and opened it to find inside it a strange-looking book; The cover of the book was made of leather, but when I opened it, I found yellow paper inside. The strange thing was that it wasn’t the cover of the book or the paper inside... The strange thing was the words written on the paper. And I began to read it with concentration and try to interpret every sentence in it, and here are the words that were written in handwriting....

The second part 

(With the accuracy of 12 o'clock every day at night, the village remains silent and there is no screaming for two days. Everyone stays at home and is afraid to go out so as not to die because of the storm... The dust storm that increases after 12 o'clock and continues until the sunrise of the new day, the storm that It started about a month ago, and they say that it will continue for 10 days, after which all the people of the village will die, so let's escape from the village!!

We tried a lot to escape, but we couldn't find a way out, and all the roads that exit or enter the village have almost disappeared; I mean, every time someone tries to get out of the main road, he keeps walking on it until he finds himself back again to the village gate, as if we were in a vicious circle, or as if our village became the whole world for us, all these troubles began to happen with the beginning of their appearance... all the misfortunes began With the onset of scorpions. 

The scorpions and the fire appeared a month ago and caused the destruction of many homes and the death of many people, to the extent that there are very few people left in the country. I am one of them. I remember that the day the fire appeared and with it the scorpions. I was cursed by a clan of jinn, and that this curse will continue for 40 days, and at the end there will be a strong dust storm that will take away all that is left of the village. Most of the houses were burned and scorpions remained everywhere at night.. and during the day there will be a strong dust storm that intensifies at night With scorpions appearing in abundance... 

Our country was famous for witchcraft and the abundance of sorcerers in it, and it was also famous for its people believing in sorcerers, sanctifying them, and taking their words as if they were orders. It seems that the end is coming, and the scorpions or the Jinn clan that cursed the country did this by order of our Lord Almighty. There is no harm or benefit except by order of the Lord of the people who used to hypocrite him and enter and pray to him in the mosque, and after that they go out to offer the duties of loyalty and obedience. To the charlatans, I tried a lot to speak and explain to people that this is wrong, but whoever gets used to something cannot stop it, and it seems that the magic and sorcerers that people used to sanctify are the reason for our dark end...I write my words as I give up and declare that I and all the people who remain from the people of the country cannot find a solution. We cannot go out or go or come, and even the streets of the country at night remain full of scorpions, and that is why I stayed at the cemeteries far from the houses so as not to be seen. Scorpions, and I kept enduring the heavy dust storm against me, I am writing these words knowing that one day I will sleep next to the cemeteries and wake up in the morning and not find myself in the country... I hope that I find myself in a better place and I hope that God forgives me and me All the people of the country who have left and those who remain, write my words in my notebook so that whoever meets them after me will know why the village of Scorpions was cursed and why it was hit by a dust storm...)I hope that I find myself in a better place, and I hope that God will forgive me and all the people of the country who have left and those who remain. I write these words in my notebook so that whoever meets them after me will know why the village of Scorpions was cursed and why it was hit by a dust storm..... )I hope that I find myself in a better place, and I hope that God will forgive me and all the people of the country who have left and those who remain. I write these words in my notebook so that whoever meets them after me will know why the village of Scorpions was cursed and why it was hit by a dust storm..... ) 

I finished what was written in this book or notebook, got out of my office, and went to the place where we found the tombs; Unfortunately, the workers had finished the development work and the road remained asphalted and there was nothing but the cars that were coming and going. At that time, I remembered Muhammad Khader’s uncle who had sent me the notebook with the diaries on my desk. I was easily able to reach his address and go to his humble house. The man was Well, he greeted me with the best reception, and after I drank tea with him, we started talking, or he was the one who started talking to me when he said....

- Did you read what was written in the book that I sent you, Mr. Walid?!

I replied to him...

- Oh, I read it, but I can't understand what I read, and then where did you find this notebook?!

Uncle Muhammad answered me...

- I found it next to a tombstone from the graves that you went to see, and next to the notebook was a human skeleton, but I want to tell you that we found another important thing..

Muhammad's uncle said this, and he got up and entered a room in the room of his apartment, and after that he came back with an iron sign written on it...

(Welcome to Scorpion Village)

And under that sentence was written...

(Knowledgeable Village)

Muhammad Al-Yafta's uncle condemned me while saying...

- This sign was located next to the graves. It seems that there was indeed a village with this name, and God knows how it disappeared or where it disappeared, but what is clear from the words in the book that I sent you when I found you very interested in researching the issue of these unknown graves is that the country or This village was cursed because its people were doing hardships, and these hardships were the reason for their curse and God’s wrath on them... I don’t know, Mr. Walid, whether you believe my words or not, but what I want to confirm to you is that the words you read are true to someone who was living in The village, he saw and lived its last days. God knows what happened when, but it seems that it happened many years ago... May God save us and get us out of this world in a good way, and the most important thing is that He takes us out while He is satisfied with us...

I looked at Muhammad Khader's uncle in astonishment and told him...

- Well, what can I do?!

Muhammad's uncle answered me and said...

- Present the evidence you have to the state and tell the people that there was a village called the village of Scorpions that existed before the Minya governorate and disappeared due to a severe sandstorm, and nothing remains of it except the graves of its people who they found buried under the ground. 

I finished talking with Uncle Muhammad and I walked away from him with the notebook and the sign... The notebook and the sign were not conclusive evidence that this place was in a village, it is also not a sane person who believes that a village in its condition has disappeared as if it did not exist in the first place !!

I tried to talk to officials to try to find out the origin of the village, but no one heard me. They explained the tombs they found as being the tombs of a nearby village or old tombs where people were buried far from the villages of Minya governorate; Their explanation was not very logical, but we, as usual, like to relax our brains and do not like to discuss the matter unless there are Pharaonic relics. Honestly, I am tired of trying so much to prove that there was a village with this name, but there is something missing... I do not find an explanation or an explanation. Justification for the disappearance of the village, for sure the issue is big and I still do not know many details about it that I can understand the origin of the story... 

I preferred this to some extent. One day I sat in my apartment alone as usual and held the diaries in my hands and kept reading the same words, maybe for the 100th time, and I also felt that something was missing. I was sitting reading the diaries on the bed until I got tired and closed my eyes and left. As I fell asleep, I woke up to a voice telling me...

(Welcome to Scorpion Village)

I opened my eyes and found myself in a strange desert place at night; The whole place was completely dark except for the light of the moon that was shining above my head... As I stood amazed, I focused on the place that I discovered that it is the same place of the cemeteries that I saw a while ago, or is this the place of the village that is no longer there, but I am concentrating around me I heard a whisper in my heart..

(Open the notes you have)

I really found the diaries in my hands, so I opened them and as soon as I opened them, it shone because I found the words that were written in them different from what I read before I went to sleep. The new words that were written were about 3 stories of 3 young men.. The first is called Mounir, the second is Jamal Hamdan, and the third is His name is Ragab Al-Khayal, they were stories similar to each other and their events were similar, but I also did not understand anything from them until I finished reading the last line in Ragab’s story, and at the end of it I felt the place change around me, and with the change of place I heard the same voice that I woke up saying...

(You enlightened the village of scorpions, Mr. Walid) 

I looked around and found the scene completely changed. I was standing in a rural village and people were walking in a very normal way, and the world, uh, was night, but there were lights around me because of the gas lamps that were placed on the windows of the houses from outside and in some places on the street. The owner of the voice who said this to me, I found him a young man who seemed strange to the people who were going and coming to my destination... He was dusty and his clothes were worn out, or specifically his djellaba was almost worn out, he approached me and said...

- Mr. Walid, don't worry, none of these people will see you, you are not in this place right now.. I just wanted to make you understand what you have been trying to understand a lot and I can't find a way to understand it, I remain Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bagoury, the eldest son of Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Bagoury who you are I read about him in Ragab’s story, which I read in the memoirs now. Professor Walid, I am the writer of the memoirs that you received, and I am also the owner of the body that they found, a skeleton next to the diaries and tombstones. Professor Walid, the whole story is not with me only, not even in the stories that I let you read. And you know about them by showing them to you as writings in the diaries, Mr. Walid, what you want to understand, you will find at this... 

He said that and was looking at something behind me with his hands. I turned to see who he was looking for. I found him a young man wearing a galabiya and looking like other people. I looked at him in astonishment and asked him...

- Who are you?

He looked at me and said...

- I am the one who understood everything for you... The soul of Muhammad, the son of Sheikh Mahmoud, was attached to the memoirs that you received, and his soul is also the one who brought you here to see with your own eyes... Name what you have in your imagination, dream, or world that has no explanation, but believe me, everything I read and knew Or you will still know it really happened many years ago...

I answered the same question again...

- I didn't know who you are either?!

He moved closer to me so that I could hear him clearly as he spoke and said... 

Any prophet, when he saw his family committing an indecency, he used to call them, by order of our Lord, to turn away from it, and this is because he was righteous and did not fear their oppression... He was only afraid of the punishment of our Lord, and that is why he was calling them to the path of truth, but I could not do that when I became aware of this world and I found my mother a witch or as the people of the country say of her (arifa).... I was not satisfied with what my mother did or with the spread of magic in the country to the extent that it kept interfering in every aspect of life; But I was helpless because my mother used to spend money on us from her job as a fortune-teller, so I could not prevent her or the people of the country from believing in their beliefs because I am simply an ordinary human being, not a prophet, and this was my mistake that I realized after it was too late.... 

Hassan Abdul Naim Jabbar

This is me

I am 20 years old

The third part 

Since the day my sister and I came to this world, we did not know anyone other than my mother after the death of my father. My mother, who when my father died when we were young, learned magic at the hands of a charlatan, or as the people of the country called him, the arif... This arif is my mother, from whom I learned the job. And I inherited his books from him after he died because he had no children. My mother taught me the job she used to spend on us, and frankly, the job’s money and powers were too much because the people of our country consider the scholar or the knowledgeable as the scholars, like this for ordinary people, my mother raised us from forbidden money, I know I used to try to stop her a lot, but when I told her to stop working or even to object to her job, she would reply to me every time with the same two sentences...

(I will not stop the job that you have grown up with, and I will not be able to stop it because this track that he walks on cannot come back from it)

So I was silent and our life was going on as normal, and life preferred going on as normal, until one day we had a woman named Umm Mounir, this woman came with her daughter who had a problem... Her daughter was close to her marriageable age and she was not offered grooms, honestly the girl There was no need to prevent her marriage, but the marriage is also divided and shared, and this is what the people of our country (the village of Scorpions) are not convinced of. Every problem they have must be solved by a man or woman who knows, the important thing is that this woman entered with my mother in the work room. So Um Mounir was convinced that someone was working for her daughter, and she told the woman while she was handing her a strange-looking bottle...

(Your daughter has a working woman who has a job... Take this bottle and spray what is in it from the house of the one you suspect is a worker for your daughter to work and everything will be solved)

At that time, the six answered my mother and said...

(She is the daughter of our neighbor’s daughter. This girl has been her entire life and she hates my daughter, but tell me, my lady, you can’t tell me if she is the one doing the work or not?)

My mom replied...

(No, Om Mounir, this is something that is not in my power, nor in the power of anyone who knows that he knows it. If you doubt it, try spraying this water at her doorstep, and your daughter, the work will be removed from it, and if it does not fall apart, it will be another one)

The lady replied to my mother and told her...

(Okay, our knowledgeable woman, after I spray the water, what will happen to the bed!)

My mom replied...

(Isn't it your business, Umm Mounir... Do you not want your daughter to be afraid?)

The woman replied...

(Now, Stan, now... your words are enforceable)

After the woman finished the session with my mother, I paid her money and also gave my mother food like eggs, cheese and meat (a thing called Ikram al-Arif, and this is something that anyone gives to the acquaintance or the woman when they go to them). And I walked, almost two days after I walked, I sat with my mother and asked her an important question that was going through my head….

- Is it true, either the buzz will reduce the girl or Mounir?!

My mom answered me laughing...

- Neither will it decrease nor will it... This bottle will bring us more customers because the work is sleeping.

I looked at my mother in astonishment and told her...

- How will you get customers?

Mom replied...

- The bottle that this woman took and sprayed at the door of her neighbor, who, God knows best, has scorpion poison inside it, a talisman that makes a jinn and his clan come to the girl who is going to do this, and when this girl or any girls in the house step on the one who is sprayed Al-Azaza will be afflicted by the jinn in his clan, and at that time they will go to everyone who knows the country. They have more worries in their hearts, and at that time no one will be able to treat them except me, because the magic is only with me, so I will continue to treat her and take what I want, and this is how Umm Mounir’s daughter will get married one day The days are like all girls.

I replied to my mother who was saying her words while laughing a devilish laugh....

- But this is not forbidden?!

The first time I told her that, her features changed and she said nervously...

- No, my brother, it is not forbidden. This is how I treat those who will be infected, and I will be able to control the jinn who will wear them. After that, there is nothing forbidden with the people of a country called the village of scorpions... A country where everyone has scorpions.. They all work for each other and none of them love The second, and then why are you interfering with what you don't have, get up and see what's behind you... Come on Gore.

I left my mother and went out with my friends for a while in the country, and after that I came back, but when I came back, I found my mother crying next to my sister who was sleeping on her bed while she was shaking, at that time I looked at my mother and told her...

- What is wrong with my sister, Um Hassan?!

My mom replied...

- Your sister was with her friend, and since the moment she came back, she is like this.. I do not know her money and labor, I read about her, and she is labor that shakes and does not speak.

I hit a palm with a palm and I tell her...

- What do you read, but what do you read.... We have to give it to Hakim.

My mom looked at me and flashed...

- Hakim and I are here!!.... I know Um Hassan who heals every sick person in the country. I give my daughter to Hakim!!!

I will stay behind her until I make her fearful.

Honestly, I screamed with my mother and left her and left the house. I kept sitting on the bench next to the door of the house until the morning. With the onset of the day, I felt sleepy. In sleep, I don't know for how long, but all I know is that I woke up to my mother's voice telling me...

"Wake up, Hassan... Catch me!"

I woke up and opened my eyes and found my mother standing next to me crying, at that time I felt that my sister had a disaster, so I got up and ran towards my sister, who was still the same (sleeping, convulsing, and uttering incomprehensible words)

I looked at my sister and then I looked at my mother who was standing crying behind me and told her...

- She is my sister, what happened to her??.... I have to give her to Hakim.

My mother replied to me while she was crying and putting her face on the ground...

- It doesn't work anymore, my son... It doesn't work anymore.

I answered her and told her with a squawk...

- What is this that is no longer useful... What is wrong with me!!

My mother sat on the floor and said while she was crying...

- Your sister was with the daughter of Hamdan, she and the daughter of the mayor, the daughter of Hamdan, Umm Munir's neighbor... Umm Munir, Rasht was in the direction of Hamdan's house because of the blow I gave her, so your sister and the daughter of the mayor were injured and the daughter of Hamdan's daughter, I tried to distract him from her but, my son, this jinn He and his clan came, and when I want to send him away from your sister, he does not want to leave, because the covenant that I took with him is not possible because of him, I cannot treat anyone because of him he wore it from my family... The issue is lost and I will not be able to understand everything, but all I can tell you is that your sister and Hamdan's daughter and the decision The mayor's daughter inhabited a whole clan of jinn, and this clan is formed in the form of scorpions, and in order to know how to live, they will shiver everywhere around us... I never thought that I would make my daughter hurt because of my actions.

I approached my mother and told her with a yell..

- From you to God, you are the reason... When I told you, it's okay, but the woman who is rich is sixty years old.

My mother continued her speech while crying...

- No one knows who will be able to divert them... They are all afraid to deal with the jinn, the master of the Scorpions clan, who will occupy the country with his clan, and in the end, after the clan occupies the village, a storm will come that will take them and return them to their world again in the houses they occupied after about 40 days, the book of magic that I prepared From the jinn it says like this... I did all this to provide my customers, and I didn't know that I was bringing a curse to all the people of the country, and the first of them was my daughter..

My mother said this and ran towards the door of the house that she had opened and stood up to shriek and say...

(The country has been cursed by the Jinn clan. It will burn in all the houses so that it can live and take our place. This clan, after it burns what it can burn, a dust storm will come and take them and those who inhabited their bodies and they will disappear... The dust will take away the scorpions and take with them all those who were cursed after 40 days... the end will come after 40 days, country)

She went out after her and locked her horn with wellness instead of people blaming us..but who is the people blaming us!...all people were running and the houses were burning as if we were on the Day of Judgment, at that time I knew that my mother's words were true and that a tribe of jinn cursed the country Because of her black gestures, I took my mother and entered her with good health, but as soon as we entered the door of the house, it closed behind us with force, and suddenly a fire appeared out of nowhere and began to stick everywhere in the house, and with the appearance of the fire many scorpions appeared from everywhere, and with all this my sister appeared and With her were the two girls who went to work...their looks were terrifying, and my sister's voice, which was changing, said...

(The poison will become like blood, and it will spread like fire among them)

And with this sentence, the scorpions began to approach me and my mother, and the fire began to burn the whole house, and we were inside it... The thick smoke and scorpion stings let us fall to the ground and surrender to the end or to death... The pain was unbearable and my body began to lose its strength and I started I close my eyes and the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was the corpse of my mother who was next to me on the ground, scorpions and fire, my sister and the two girls who were standing behind her....

After he finished speaking, I looked at him and I didn't believe what he said and I told him...

- I mean, are you dead too?!

answer me...

- Everyone I read about them or knew their stories died... The village's people were all cursed and died in different ways, but the one who preferred was a few people, including Muhammad whose memoirs you received.

He said that while looking behind me, with a spontaneous movement on my part, I looked too to find the same person who was standing before, who is Muhammad Ibn Al-Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Bajouri, I looked at him and told him I was surprised...

- How did I come here?!

He answered me and said...

- You didn't come to the first place.. Only your soul is the one that sees, I am also the soul that clung to the diaries to see and brought your soul here to see you too... We are now at the beginning of the end, the curse is now beginning....

The first time he said that, he disappeared and the people disappeared, and with the disappearance of the people, I began to hear the sounds of screams and the sounds of chaos and chaos. I looked around and found that the houses of the country were burning, and the people who had disappeared appeared again, running as if they were afraid of something strange. When I focused, I knew that the need These are scorpions running after people.. scorpions used to come out of the houses that are fond, but... what is this!!

I see everything, as I read in the memoirs and heard from Hassan and Muhammad. I see a young man running, and people say he is going to sleep, O son of the mayor, and I mean a woman saying that the country will perish after 40 days. Who behind her and dragged her into the interior of this house is her son Hassan. I know him because I saw him a while ago, suddenly everything fell silent and the place remained in ruins and the dust filled the streets and houses remained in ruins and the traces of the fires were visible on them as if I had gone back in time or some time after the fires occurred. I stood looking around and I didn't know what would happen after that, but suddenly Muhammad appeared in front of me and said to me...

- Come after me, Mr. Walid.

I walked after him while I was losing my will. I was walking in the middle of the streets of the country and I saw scorpions moving around us, but they did not come close to us. I found him sleeping, and in his hand was a copy of the notes that I had, I tried to get closer to him, but I didn't catch up because I was still in my place when I found 3 girls with terrifying looks standing in the middle of the graves.

(The poison will become like blood and it will spread like fire among you... As long as the sins exist and you are convinced that they are true, the poison will remain among you... The poison is the sins that bring punishment, as what happened to the village of Scorpions)

The first time they said that, the dirt that was in the air started to increase, and with it the air started to intensify to the point that I closed my eyes, and as soon as I closed my eyes, I heard the sound of my mobile ring!!!

I opened it again, and found myself sleeping on my bed, and in my hands were the diaries. When I looked at them, I found them as they were inside, the same words that I had read before I fell asleep, and only the three stories were not written, as if I had seen them in a dream or this vision, and only, I threw away the diaries and got up from The strange dream that I saw and I grabbed the phone and answered the strange number that was calling...

- Hello... Mr. Walid Al-Dakrouri.


- Yes, regret, I am Walid.

answer me...

- I am Khidr, the son of Hajj Muhammad Khidr. My father died in the morning, but before he died he handed me a piece of paper and told me that I had to give it to you.

I got up from my seat and answered him and said..

- Yes, yes... I'll get dressed and come to you right now.

I got dressed and went to the house of Muhammed Khader's uncle, and there I learned that he had died, and I was washed and buried. So I consoled his son who handed me a paper and told me that it was written in the handwriting of Muhammad’s uncle himself before he died. I took the paper and went, and when I read it, I was shocked because I found the following written on it...

“If you read this paper, I would have died. Since I was young, I heard stories about the village of Aqarib that disappeared, and I also heard about my great grandfather, whose name was Ahmed Mahmoud Al-Baguri. The old people in our country used to say that this grandfather came with his mother from the village of Aqarib, and they said that His father was a sheikh named Mahmoud al-Bajouri. He drove him and his mother out of the village and let them go to the house of its family, which is in our village, in which I lived and was raised. He intends to go to his wife and his eldest son Muhammad, but unfortunately the curse has befallen the country and the country since that day, and it was surrounded by a severe sandstorm that prevented anyone from entering or leaving it. This storm lasted for 40 days, after which the town disappeared with its people and nothing was left of it, the people of the village The ones I lived in say that the people of the village of Scorpions were cursed because of their belief in magic and because many magicians lived among them..

.Elderly people whose stories I was brought up say that the people of the village of Aqarab, who are supposed to be my parents’ parents, were cursed as I was cursed before them. Many people had immoralities spread among them… Years passed until I became aware of the matter of the soil that they met, and I myself removed the remains of the dead and moved them by order of the government I work as an employee for the charity or cemetery, I found a corpse with notes next to it and next to them the sign that I gave you... I didn't know what to do, I didn't even know how to prove that he was in a village in the first place, I tried to speak and tell the officials, but no one believed me. I was about to get bored until I knew that you were interested in the topic, so I chose you and gave you the diaries and the banner that I found in order to spread the topic and make people understand that there was a village in this place called the village of Scorpions. My name is Akbar Dalil... Spread the topic and let the people know and try to make the officials care that they are searching for the remains of the village...And beg me for mercy

I finished the words of Muhammad Khader’s uncle, which he wrote in Sabahouli’s paper. I put everything in your essay, and it is true that I tried to communicate a lot with relevant and responsible people, but they do not want to search and see that the matter is useless, but I think that he must know because the dream that I saw and The issue of the entire village is not just a village that has perished with its people and salvation, the topic is a message... When abominations spread among people, the end remains very close, and it is not a condition that the end be with madness, scorpions, fire and storm, as what happened in the village of Scorpions... the end may be An epidemic or any form of destruction... I am writing this story to you and I will put down what I knew after many years, and I can't find anyone who believes me...I am writing this story to you while we are in 2020, and I am still an employee, I want to go and live, I got married and left, but until today I keep the diary, the banner, and the words of Muhammad’s uncle that are on the paper. I am writing these words because I have not seen anything in my dreams since the hour of the dream or vision I saw her years ago, but yesterday... Yesterday I had a dream about three girls, but they told me strange sentences, and I woke up, and they still resonated in my mind...

(When sins remain a habit, the punishment remains near... The punishment remains in any form... We are commanded by those who created you and created us... We are your sins and blackened you... We are the ones who come to deliver a message to you and walk... The time of the people of a village The scorpions came to us and we destroyed them, and you saw the whole story with your own eyes, but now we are much less likely to kill you... You are the ones who will kill yourself with war, bloodshed, or even an epidemic of your own making.

I woke up terrified and wrote to you what happened... Do you think what they meant by their words!
