📁 آخر الأخبار

The story of the corpse of the morgue is complete, by the writer Muhammad Muhani

 The story of the corpse of the morgue is complete, by the writer Muhammad Muhani

After I finished my high school exams, I started looking for a job..because I became responsible for my mother and sister after my father died a year ago..now they are still supporting me..and I have to be a man and take responsibility..

The story of the corpse of the morgue is complete, by the writer Muhammad Muhani

I went out and looked, but unfortunately I did not find a job.. Until one day, I read an advertisement for a security job in a hospital in Cairo.. I went and applied and found out that it was a security job in the hospital morgue! Literally my heart was pounding! But when I thought for a while, I said to myself, and what does it mean, either to work as a security guard in a morgue.. Is it a need to get money and salvation.. So I accepted the job, handed over my paper, and knew that my shift would be at night.. I went at night and received the job.. and in the ward with me was uncle Hassan, a man in his fifties.. I was relieved He was very fond of laughter and jokes. A week had passed since work without problems. Until the day came that I will never forget. 

That day, when I received my sheet from an individual from Al-Sabahi security.. He informed me that there is a new corpse that we are still receiving.. Usually when a corpse enters a new morgue, we write down its data.. I mean, the name of the case, if known.. and the number of the refrigerator.. He told me about it so that I can record it with me in the notebook .. And when I recorded it.. and the hour came after midnight.. Uncle Hassan told me that he would go to rest for a while.. because he was an old man and he had sugar, so he used to go to sleep for an hour and come back.. and of course no one knew.. the important thing is that he will sleep in a room like this, for storage. As I sat outside at the door of the morgue.. I kept sitting until I heard the sound of a strange movement coming from the inside of the morgue.. so I entered to be reassured.. and when I opened the door, I did not find anything.. everything is normal.. but I noticed that there was an open refrigerator door.. I said to myself At that time, Uncle Hassan forgot to lock it.. So I went to lock it.. When I reached the refrigerator door, I found that the zipper that covered the corpse was open.. and the shape of the corpse was really terrifying! The first time I saw a dead person.. and that's why my body shook with fear.. I reached out to close the zipper.. And the first time I did that, I found the corpse's eye opened! His hand moved and caught me rigid! I cried out loud! And the corpse you met is getting up and talking and saying:

- Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you.. I want my right?

= Who will I follow you from?

I said it and I Btjlj of fear! And the corpse, when I met it, replied to me:

- Rehab is the one who killed me! Take my right from it!

He said this sentence and fell asleep again! His eyes were closed and everything returned to normal, but I was the one who remained in the same clothes and could not continue the day.. I woke up to Uncle Hussein and told him and he laughed and said:

Don't come back and freeze like this..

I passed today and went back home and the scene I could not forget until I went back to the morgue. At the same time, I heard the same sound of movement, but this time when I opened the door, I found the corpse standing with a sheet tied around his neck. The corpse raised its two hands and tried to remove the sheet.

- Rehab, take my right away from her

And then the corpse was no longer there!

I don't understand anything.. Who is this young man? And who is this Rehab who wants me to take his right from her!..

I spent my day also in the same state of fear and anxiety, and when I spoke to Uncle Hassan, he also told me that I should get used to it.. and dead bodies do this, and this is a normal thing.. so I was silent.. and the second day was my vacation.. so I went after I finished my work and slept until afternoon.. and of course everyone slept Nightmares with the same corpse.. but the nightmare at night was different.. I woke up to the sound of someone shaking me hard.. and as soon as I opened my eyes, I found it in front of me.. the corpse of the young man standing above my head! I screamed.. and the corpse kept saying the same sentence to me (Don't be afraid of me.. I want my right) I really got angry and said (what is your right) so I met this young man who said (I will tell you everything.. and I'm not coming to hurt you.. I was talking to Rehab.. but She turned out to be the most bad thing.. I could not imagine that she would do this to me.. Imagine that I entered my apartment, which I was preparing, and I found her and a young man in bed.. I was shocked.. when she first saw me.. this young man came to me and shouldered me.. and she grabbed this sheet that was on me My neck and she strangled me.. I want you to tell them that I did not do what she said.. She is the one who killed me!)...

The body is no longer there.. and I don't know what to do anymore? Well, who is this young man.. and how will he reach his family and what will I tell them.. and how will I prove this?! I slept thinking a lot.. and I woke up not knowing how much.. I woke up and found myself in an apartment other than mine.. a new apartment.. with new furniture.. and I agreed in the hall and heard a voice coming from his room.. I approached and opened faces, I found a girl and a guy on the bed .. the corpse moved and went to the cupboard, I opened it .. and took out a sheet .. the same one with which he was strangled .. it was put in a black bag!..

At the time I found myself in my room.. I knew the girl.. and I knew the place of the sheet.. I didn't need to go to the young man's family.. and this is easy. I will know from the data recorded in the notebook.. I went at night to Uncle Hassan, and when he saw me, he said:

- What brings you, you are not a vacation

= Uncle Hassan, I want to reach the address of the young man whose body was buried a few days ago

And I told him the number of the case..and I knew that he lives near the hospital..I went to his house..and he knocked and the same girl I saw in the dream opened for me..and I said to her:

- Apartment or Hazem, right?

= Yes, who are you?

- I am Hazem's friend, and I am coming to condolence her

She told me to go ahead.. and entered the room.. and after a while she went out and told me something was waiting for me inside because she could not move.. I entered on her and she was an old woman.. very sad.. I saluted her and said to her:

- God's survival is in Hazem.. Oh Hajjah, I want to talk to you about a topic.. But maybe you don't think that I'm crazy! Hazem died, killed, and the one who killed him was Rehab

The lady was literally shocked when I met her saying:

- What are you saying? No, Rehab, don't do that

= My name is from me to the end.. She was with a young man on the day of the accident.. And whoever proves my words is a sheet!

As soon as I said this sentence, I found her entering.. as if she was eavesdropping on us.. her face was upside down! But fortunately, you will not be able to enter the apartment because it is a crime scene, because the young man is still dead, and there are investigations.. and an autopsy.. and I knew that the police already had suspicions that what had happened was a murder.. and this I knew when I went to the department and started telling about what I saw.. of course they did not believe Because the one who told me is a ghost.. but a day after what I told him, I received a summons from the prosecution.. and I went with someone to the apartment.. and there I connected them with the sheet that was in the same place and the same black bag.. and from the sheet they were able to determine who did this.. and they arrested me Rehab.. in her turn confessed everything.. and they also brought the young man who was with her! She said in the investigations that she was really in love with Hazem, but that this guy knew her before she got engaged and blackmailed her with pictures..so before the night happened, he called her and told her that they should meet, better he would expose her..so she kissed him in her fiancé’s apartment..and her fiancé noticed bad luck.. He decided to go to the apartment so that he would see them in an unpleasant situation and die there! She claims that he fell suddenly while standing!..and she actually called his mother and told her that Hassan fell and took him to the hospital!..

But the truth is that she and the one who was with him killed him!

