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5 Tips to Increase Google AdSense CPC CPC

5 Tips to Increase Google AdSense CPC CPC

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For many website owners, especially bloggers, AdSense is a major source of advertising revenue. If this is the case for you, it is important to know everything you can learn about optimizing your blog ads. The most important goal of an AdSense revenue optimization campaign is to increase the CPM amount. You want to increase your AdSense CPC, which means higher CPC. Even if you have a very good CTR, you may need to make good profits and possibly double those earnings.

A lot can be said about Google Adsense CPC, and you will surely see many articles written on this topic. Most of the blogs that talk about blogging have some sort of discussion on this topic, from Blog For Web to Pro Blogger. Remember that CPC is affected by many factors and is the main reason for low AdSense earnings, so find out before making any adjustments. For example, read how niche affects CPC amounts in Google Adsense and how quality content affects click-through rates.

Tips to Increase AdSense CPC

Do you want to increase your AdSense CPC? Learn these five rules that you need to review and pay attention to in order to make a lot of money in a short period of time:

1 - Use the Ad Review Center

In your Google AdSense account, you need to go to the Ad Review Center called the Ad Review Center. Here you can see how much an ad category is currently paying you. You can take a look at the different categories of ads currently appearing on the site. If you notice that someone is not paying that amount, block them to increase AdSense CPC. This is a simple change that can help a lot more than many people think, but only professionals make the changes.

Categories not related to the site's niche or content should be banned. Suppose you are currently blogging about technology. In this case, religious ads or dating ads will be inappropriate and will lower your AdSense CPC. Do not think that such ads do not appear. You can see I'm doing this in the Ad Review Center. With it, you can control the appropriate ads that you want to display on the pages of your site or blog, which greatly increases the cost-per-click of your AdSense account.

2 - Use the competitive ads filter

This competitive ad filter is another feature that is included in your Google AdSense account. You can use it to block general or specific ads from pages you own. You can block such ads from the site. Your CPC will not be high unless you exclude your ads from the competition. And look for profitable ads.

3 - Display platform in your account

Websites are accessed using different devices like laptops, computers, smartphones, etc. It is always important to take a look at the different platforms that visitors use to access your site. In general, CPC will not be affected much by the platform. However, we all know that the higher your goal, the more successful you are. Today, most readers come from laptops and desktop computers. That will change in the future.

In most cases, the ads that appear on mobile devices are of higher quality. For this reason, you must ensure that your site is fully optimized for mobile users. Many blogging platforms, such as WordPress, allow you to easily do this with plugins. Larger sites without an open source CMS require a financial investment to make changes.

#4 Attract visitors from certain countries

This is a factor that has a huge impact when you want to increase your AdSense CPC. You should try to target some countries as they have better deals available. For example, if you click on an American ad, you can earn $1 to $3 per click. This ad will only generate 30 cents if a visitor from a country like India clicks on it. The same is true for Arab countries, for example, the CPC in Morocco or Egypt is very different from the CPC in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries.

Therefore, it is important to customize the content of your site for an English-speaking audience. If you have a lot of traffic from countries that don't have a high click rate, chances are that you will need to use something other than AdSense to increase your earnings.

#5 Try new ad sizes and location

Two factors that affect how much you get on your listing are the size of your ad and the position of your ad on your site. Depending on the site you run, it turns out that choosing a specific position pays more. It is very important that you keep trying these two factors to increase your AdSense CPC. Change the position of your ad for a week to see how it affects your cost-per-click (CPC). When it comes to ad sizes, focus on those "standard" sizes, as they always bring in more profit than inappropriate sizes due to the volume of advertisers using them.