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Yoga for the face to tighten the skin and prevent wrinkles

 Yoga for the face to tighten the skin and prevent wrinkles

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With age, fine lines and wrinkles appear on the skin, despite skin care products and vitamins that correct these defects that appear on the skin. However, what many do not know is that yoga exercises are among the things that help maintain the health and beauty of the skin. You can apply some exercises that help Strengthening the facial muscles and stimulating blood circulation, because studies have proven that facial yoga helps in anti-aging treatment, because there are several poses that nourish the skin.

Benefits of yoga for the face

As the face ages, the skin loses its elasticity and the fat pads between the muscles and the skin become thinner, and these fat pads that fit like a jigsaw puzzle give the face shape.

Facial exercises also help fill hollow cheeks and reduce other signs of aging. These exercises focus on strengthening and building core muscles in key areas such as the cheeks, jawline, neck, eyelids and eyebrows. In a 2018 study, researchers found that women who practiced face yoga every day for eight weeks, then every other day. For twelve weeks, they started out at a younger age at the end of the process than those who did not.

Before you get started, applying a slightly lubricating serum, moisturizer, or oil can help keep your skin supple as it tightens. When you press your face to perform a certain exercise, you can also transfer the product to the skin, and to improve the effectiveness, you want to start warming up. It is important to disconnect, calm down and think about the process, pulling the neck two to three times on both sides to open and relax the muscles.

Yoga exercises for facial skin care

Smile and ignore fine lines exercise

Repeating this exercise three to five times helps tighten the cheeks and tighten the skin around the lips. This exercise also reduces nasolabial wrinkles or laugh lines, and also helps tighten the drooping corners of the mouth.

  • Keep your lips together.
  • Smile and wait five times.
  • Change to frown and hold eight counts.
  • Repeat ten times.

Facial massage for tired and puffy eyes

This exercise focuses on reducing drooping eyelids, eye wrinkles, and puffiness. You can use your fingers, but you can use a facial roller if you want a little more pressure.

Place both hands on the forehead inward and spread all the fingers between the eyebrows and hairline.

Gently wipe your fingers on your forehead, pressing gently to tighten the skin.

Then place both palms on your temples.

Push your palms up and back to lift the sides of your face.

Hold for five seconds and repeat two more times.

Wrinkle reduction exercise

This exercise tones the upper and lower eyelids and helps with lymphatic drainage. By tightening your eyes and applying pressure to the areas around them, you can help fill in the lines. This exercise can also give you a wake-up call in the morning by softening eye bags and soothing puffy eyes.

  • Form the letter V with your fingers and place it on the eyebrows.
  • Press and then, without tilting your head, look at the ceiling.
  • Raise the lower eyelids to form squinting and winking.
  • Relax and repeat ten times.
  • Finally, close your eyes for 10 seconds.

Special exercise to strengthen the neck and jaw

This exercise strengthens the neck and jaw muscles, which when done correctly can help fill in the fatty pads in that area, preventing fine lines and lack of definition.

Grasp the chin with both hands and press firmly.

Gently move your hands toward your temples and push up.

Move your chin left and right and flex your lips for added benefit.

Repeat this exercise 10 times.

The best yoga exercises for the face

To wake up in the morning

Start by heating the oil to activate the ingredients, it should be comfortably warm but not hot.

Apply the oil to the face. Massage it from the jawline, cheeks and forehead.

Improve facial lift through upward pressure from the jawline, cheek muscles and under the eyes. Repeat this three times.

Then follow the blows on the forehead in opposite directions and press hard, do this 20 times.

Then move to pass the movements under the eyes, repeat this three times.

Make a C on the neck and massage the six points for lymphatic drainage.

Relax after a hard day at work

Write the letter V with your index and middle fingers. Place the middle finger in the middle of the eyebrow and the index finger on the outer corner of the eye, do this on both sides.

Look at the middle of the eyebrows and try to close your eyes, you should feel your eyes shaking or pulsing.

Look up and around, hold for two seconds and relax. Repeat three to five times.

Close your eyes and hold for 10 seconds. This is to soothe the eyes and forehead which can be very stressful at work.

Yoga for glowing skin

Grasp your cheek muscle.

Tighten, rotate and release, do this for eight seconds, the idea is not to tighten the skin but to tighten the muscles, this will give you a rosy glow and stimulate blood circulation.

Eye exercise for dark circles

Write the letter V with your index and middle fingers and place it at the corners of your eyes.

Move the eyeballs from right to left and from left to right 20 times.

Close your eyes and relax them 10 times. Repeat this 20 times.

You may feel eye pain, but this is a process to build muscle strength. Because exercise affects your eye muscles, gentle pressure creates stimulation that helps reduce dark circles.

You can follow up the massage with ice balls or chilled spoons.

Double chin poser exercise

Start by sitting or standing with your spine straight, neck straight, then raise your arms and place them supine above your head.

Look left or right, stick out your tongue and try to touch the tip of your nose.

Hold for 30 seconds, repeat the exercise on the other side, doing three repetitions on each side.
