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How to use aloe vera for hair

 How to use aloe vera for hair

Aloe vera is a common plant spread in many parts of the world, and people have used the gel extracted from it as medicine since ancient times. Immortelle plant), because of its many benefits In modern times, aloe vera gel is widely used in the cosmetics industry because it contains vitamins and minerals that benefit the skin and hair.

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How to use aloe vera for hair

Benefits of aloe vera for hair

Aloe vera has many benefits for hair. It contains amino acids and nourishing proteins, and these benefits are:  

Nourishes the scalp

It heals the damaged cells present in it, which strengthens the hair, and makes the hair grow faster and healthier.

Prevents hair loss

This ensures that dark and black hair is maintained; It contains minerals, vitamins and proteins.

Activates hair follicles

Which promotes hair growth.

Heals the scalp

It protects against fungal and viral infections of the scalp, which prevents hair loss. Because it contains anti-inflammatory properties. Relaxes and prevents further scalp irritation.

Gives hair softness

This is because of its ability to moisturize the hair.

Aloe vera mixture for hair

Some of the ingredients used to treat various hair problems using aloe vera are:

Aloe vera and castor oil

This mixture is described as promoting hair growth, as aloe vera removes dead skin cells that clog hair follicles, leading to the appearance of dandruff, and maintains acidity on the scalp and protects it from many diseases, and thus aloe vera can have healthy hair. The method is:


Two tablespoons of aloe vera gel.

A spoonful of castor oil.

How to prepare:

Mix aloe vera gel and castor oil in a 2:1 ratio.

Gently massage the scalp with the mixture.

Leave the mixture on the head all night.

Wash your hair with a mild shampoo the next morning.

Use the mixture twice a week.

A mixture of aloe vera, coconut oil and honey

The mixture of coconut oil and honey moisturizes the hair, and it is a mixture that protects the hair from damage, so it will not be necessary to cut the ends of the hair, allowing the length of the hair to be maintained, and the method. From this recipe are:  


5 tablespoons of aloe vera gel.

3 tablespoons of coconut oil.

Two tablespoons of honey.

Bathing cup.

How to prepare:

Mix all ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth mixture.

The area from the head to the end of the hair is poured with the mixture, the target is at the end of the hair; Because it is the most damaged part of the hair.

After covering all the hair with the mixture, put on a shower cap, then wait for 25 minutes.

After this time, wash the hair with cold water and shampoo, and finally use conditioner.

Use the mixture once a week.

Mix aloe vera, egg yolk and olive oil

Egg yolk contains oil that moisturizes the hair, and when mixed with olive oil and aloe vera, a nourishing hair mask is made that increases hair growth. The method is:  


4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel.

3 tablespoons olive oil.

One egg yolk.

Bathing cup.

How to prepare:

Mix all ingredients in a bowl to obtain a smooth, consistent dough.

Apply the mixture on the head and hair, focusing on the roots and ends of the hair.

After covering all the hair with the mixture, cover it with a cup of water and leave it for 20-25 minutes.

Wash off the mixture with cold water and shampoo, warm water should not be used at this time; Because it will cause the eggs in the mixture to cook.

Apply makeup to the hair, then rinse it.

Use the mixture once a week.

Aloe vera and onion mixture

Onion juice promotes hair growth as it stimulates the scalp and sleeping follicles. Aloe vera and onions work together to prevent hair loss and increase hair growth. Using this mask regularly makes the hair long and full. The method is: [2]


A cup of onion juice.

A spoonful of aloe vera gel.

How to prepare:

Put the onions (about 3-4 large onions) in an electric blender to extract the juice from the onions, then use a cloth like the one used in making cheese to strain and remove the juice.

Add aloe vera juice to onion juice and mix well.

He massages his head with this mixture while he satisfies the hair with it.

Leave the mixture for an hour, then wash your hair.

Wash your hair with a mild shampoo,

A mixture of aloe vera and lemon

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which is important for the production of collagen, and increasing collagen levels makes hair grow faster, and lemon maintains skin health by maintaining the acidity level, and the method is: [2]


Two tablespoons of aloe vera gel.

A spoonful of lemon juice.

How to prepare:

Mix the ingredients in a bowl until well combined.

Then apply the mixture to the scalp for a few minutes and then cover all of the hair.

Leave the mixture for 20 minutes then wash your hair.

Wash hair with a mild shampoo and condition at the end.

Use the mixture once a week.

Aloe vera and fenugreek mixture

This composition is used to treat dandruff, moisturize hair, and obtain healthy skin, and its composition is: 


Two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds.

Two tablespoons of aloe vera gel.

How to prepare:

Soak fenugreek seeds overnight.

In the morning, grind the fenugreek to obtain a paste, then add the aloe vera gel, and mix the ingredients well.

Apply the mixture on the head and hair and leave it for 30 minutes.

Wash the hair with cold water and a mild shampoo and conditioner at the end.

Use the mixture once a week.

Aloe vera oil and tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is antifungal and antibacterial, killing viruses, bacteria and fungi. This mixture is used to remove dandruff, and the method is:


5-7 drops of tea tree oil.

Two tablespoons of aloe vera gel.

How to prepare:

Mix tea tree oil with aloe vera gel.

Then put the mixture on the head and leave it all night.

Rinse the hair with clean water.

Repeat this mixture three times a week.

Rose water (two tablespoons) can be added to the mixture.
