What are the causes of sudden nausea and ways to treat it?
Nausea and vomiting are common ailments that many of us suffer from and are also among the most common medical complaints, and although the symptoms associated with nausea and vomiting are limited to the digestive system, they can also be caused by malfunctions of other organs. To learn more about this topic, please follow the following article.
The difference between nausea and vomiting:
Nausea is a physical expression of the urge to vomit lodged in the throat or upper abdomen.
Vomiting is a specific physical event that aims to quickly and violently empty the contents of the stomach.
As for withdrawal, it is defined by repeated contraction of the abdominal muscles, leading to emptying of the contents of the stomach.
Regurgitation is defined as the lifting of food from the stomach by a possible amount and frequency and then its expulsion from the mouth.
Rumination is the process of repeatedly throwing food from the stomach to the mouth without making an effort to re-chew and then swallow again, and this phenomenon begins immediately after eating for several minutes and can continue until the taste of food changes and does not turn bad.
Types and cases of vomiting:
We can distinguish vomiting in several different cases as shown below:
Serious cases: pleurisy or perforation of one of the digestive system organs.
There are cases of vomiting that require the patient to remain in the hospital under constant observation, due to severe vomiting, which leads to a defect in the
The balance of salts in the body, in addition to the dehydration it causes.
There are also cases of chronic vomiting that require a good diagnosis and examination to reach the appropriate treatment for the patient's condition.
Causes of nausea and vomiting:
There are several different causes of nausea and vomiting, including:
It can occur as a result of some side effects resulting from the use of a particular treatment or medication, such as chemotherapy used to treat cancer, radiation therapy, pain relievers, and heart medications, as well as diuretics, hormones, some antibiotics, and drugs to treat inflammatory bowel diseases. Asthma medication, narcotics, alcohol or nicotine.
It can also be caused by diseases of the digestive system, such as intestinal obstruction, gastric paralysis, peptic ulcer, acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis, chronic hepatitis, chronic enteritis or Crohn's disease, as well as intestinal ischemia. wall, and finally metastases in the intestinal mucosa.
It can be caused by certain infectious diseases such as acute gastroenteritis, as well as middle ear infections.
Vomiting and nausea can also occur from diseases of the central nervous system, which include migraines or the so-called. Vomiting during travel, whether by air or sea, emotional reaction, depression, anxiety and abdominal pain.
Treatment for nausea and vomiting:
There are many ways to help treat mild vomiting without resorting to physical therapy, and they are:
Home treatment, which is for the vomiting person to take as much fluid as possible to enter the body, taking into account not to have a major disturbance in the work of the stomach.
Clear liquids, water and natural juices are needed.
It is possible to resort to the use of ice cubes and absorbed by the patient when treatment with other fluids is not successful or effective.
You should refrain from eating solid foods, in addition to being careful not to take in large amounts of liquids at once.
When you feel better, you can try drinking soup or eating jelly and apple puree.
Dairy products should be avoided as they may deteriorate your health, so you should gradually return to your normal diet.
A physician should be consulted if vomiting persists for more than 72 hours or if the patient develops symptoms of dehydration after the same period of time has elapsed.