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How to Make Money Online - Best Ways and Websites for 2022

How to Make Money Online - Best Ways and Websites for 2022

While there are many ways to make money from the Internet in 2022, there are still many ways that you cannot take advantage of the Internet, especially in our Arab community, who is looking for easy free money without learning, effort or any way to make a quick profit. , so it can easily fall into the hands of online scammers.

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In this article, I try to explain the best way to make money and create a real business on the Internet, which I and thousands of others use, but only you are responsible for your success or failure. I won't and no one will, but you can force you to work for two hours a day to achieve your goals, and no one will force you to leave an hour a day browsing social media sites and watching videos and paying attention to them and taking advantage of them to watch and learn about the field of freelancing on the Internet instead, you will not Someone is watching you to make sure you've taken practical steps for everything you've learned and developed yourself and are working towards your goals every day.

Best way to make money online

1. Create a website

Let me explain to you something very important at the beginning that all the ways we are going to talk about making money from the internet or from anywhere else you will find on the internet require that you have a source to access (the traffic source) whether you want to make money from products Affiliate marketing, marketing your own products, or making money on the Internet through ads and many other ways.

The best traffic source that you can count on is your website, which you can create in less than 10 minutes by creating a professional WordPress website. Publish articles on your website.

One of the ways to make money using blogs and websites

Selling ad space directly on your website, you can do this with Hsoob Ads or some WordPress plugin.

Affiliate marketing and promotion of products related to your blogging niche.

Guest post sponsored articles are articles on your blog that include links to promote other sites or products.

Sponsored Reviews of some products.

You can create a website and sell it as a readymade website.

How does the site's membership system work and what content is offered to members.

Create an online store on your website to sell products.

And many more ways that we will discuss in detail in another article on how to monetize your blog.

Steps required to start creating a website:

I've prepared complete instructions on how to create a WordPress site, starting with buying a domain name and hosting, installing WordPress, then adjusting the most important settings and WordPress plugins and publishing articles. You can refer to the Bluehost Hosting WordPress Site Creation and Explanation in Bluehost Review (Comprehensive Guide 2022)

The steps for creating a WordPress site are summarized in the following main points:

Buying a domain name and hosting (you can get a domain name for free at up to 85% off by buying hosting with one of the coupons in the Top 10 Worldwide Hosting Companies Guide), for example, the first suggested hosting from WordPress, a managed Bluehost.
Install WordPress on your hosting.

Log in to your WordPress site, add some WordPress plugins and create a contact us homepage

Privacy Policy and more.

Choose a professional and fast WordPress blog template (like the Rehub template recommended by Amazon Associates)

Start writing articles yourself, or you can rely on one of the freelance translators on a microservices site like Fiverr

Connect your website to Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools.

Start promoting and publishing your articles for free (like posting to Facebook groups) or through paid methods (like creating ads

Advertising on Facebook or Google Ads).

2. Selling digital products

One of the best ways to make huge profits from the internet is to sell digital products like books, software and videos. You can create an ebook and then promote and sell it, especially foreign content, but getting these products is very expensive, an ebook of 100 pages or less can cost you anywhere from $500 to $1,000, while making a video course, the cost doesn't stop there! That's the beauty of PLR products, it's the product, and once you buy it, you have the full rights to resell it. You can get thousands of digital PLR articles, e-books, course videos, programs and more for as little as $50 on a site with a month or lifetime subscription. Thousands of dollars, which can then be resold. The most important characteristic of this approach is that it is unknown in Arabic content, so there is a clear lack of competition in it.

It is also the best site for all the marketers in the world to get quality PLR products. This site is the best place to get daily updates of all the new products in PLR products.

These products are used in many ways to make money from the Internet, such as:

Resell products directly again by creating an online store of digital products.
Take advantage of these products for service in the microservices site.

And use these products as incentives when promoting CPA offers and affiliate products

Create an English language site, promote it on social media and monetize it with our affiliate program
Some Strategies To Make Money From PLR Products

First strategy:

Download various PLR articles and e-books on weight loss.

Create a website - Learn how to create a website step by step

Add multiple articles to your website by copying and pasting the content of the PLR ​​articles you downloaded

Add downloaded PLR e-books on weight loss and offer them free downloads to your visitors by adding your email - Count on mailchimp to manage your bulk mailing list, it's the best free mailing list management site.

As an optional step to increase conversions, you can rely on the WordPress plugin ConvertPlus to place email subscription forms on important sites and at certain times when visitors come in and out of them, and configure them to appear on specific articles or countries, this is a powerful add-on that I use on all of my favorite sites, in Profit book download topic for beginners.

 Participate in one of the affiliate programs for weight loss products, most notably ClickBank.

Now send emails to your mailing list based on available slimming articles that you don't publish on your website, as well as promotions for slimming affiliate products on Clickbank.

The strategy is clear now, but the important point you might be asking is how will I attract visitors?

The best way to attract visitors is to promote your website

First, the best way to get conversions is to advertise on Bing ads by counting on a $100 coupon, which you can get in the Bing Ads article How to Create a Campaign on Microsoft's Comprehensive Ads Guide.

Secondly, through the social network pinterest, one of the best social networks to promote products by pinning images in your articles

Third, promote free weight loss by creating an ad campaign on Facebook or by posting to a Facebook group

Note, of course, this is an example of slimming. You can use this strategy in many products in different industries and markets. The same technique can also be used instead of promoting affiliate products by selling PLR books directly on your website. Marketing on Bing Ads is one of the best paid advertising methods on the Internet, you can use it to promote affiliate products, CPA offers for marketing or attract visitors from the United States, target 100% at low prices, especially with $100 coupons.

The second strategy:

Create an online store to sell digital products, you can do this through the 3dcart platform, which allows you to add an unlimited number of products and support digital products.

Download and upload digital PLR e-books to your store

Advertise your store as a digital e-book store with Bing Ads or on social networks
An online store can sell books in a specific field, and this is better because it makes it easier for you to create your store, and it is also easier for you to market because it targets a specific category or general for all areas. You can also view each book at a separate price. Visitors can only buy the book or you can offer a membership in which members can browse all the products for the monthly subscription and better think about it because it guarantees you a consistent profit every month.

You can rely on micro service sites like Fiverr and order services in the service section that is not available on the site to help the freelancers there download products, add them to your store and describe them, or even copy and paste the description, you will find someone offering them to you for a very small price. Finally, there are many other methods and strategies that you can take advantage of in digital products.

3. Cryptocurrency trading and investing

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading is one of the best ways to profit and invest, especially in 2022 when the interest in the digital currency is growing exponentially, not only from ordinary individuals but also from the most famous businessmen, investment funds and many neighboring countries of the world.

Before you begin, you should know the following points:

First you have to decide if you want to trade and get a quick deal or if you want to invest and hold the currency for years.

You have to actually buy the bitcoin or cryptocurrency you want to invest in, so you have to buy it through a cryptocurrency exchange like Binance, not from a CFD-based forex, so it's not a real purchase that you can't withdraw out of Portfolios or moving them from one platform to another also avoid leverage, margin and futures contracts, all of which are prohibited by Islamic Sharia.

Buying a cryptocurrency is like an exchange, so you need to know what coin item you are buying and if it works in the permitted areas.

There are thousands of cryptocurrencies so always try to invest in the top 100 or 200 cryptocurrencies which you can learn about through coinmarketcap website.

How to start buying and trading bitcoin and cryptocurrency in one very simple step:

Register a new account on Binance, the most popular cryptocurrency trading platform, with which you can also buy bitcoins through a visa or through p2p services, you can pay through a variety of payment methods suitable for all countries of the world. To register an account on Binance.

Start trading cryptocurrencies by learning technical analysis or relying on paid or free referrals in multiple Telegram channels or Twitter and only through spot trading, as in previous fatwas, Sharia prohibits other forms of trading such as futures and margin. There will be a series of explanations about blockchain and digital currency and how to earn digital currency, explaining the most important sites and platforms you will need.

4. Domain name transaction

Domain name trading is one of the best and most profitable ways to make money from the internet. You can think of it as a real estate deal on the ground, where you find the right opportunity and then hold it for a while until you can make a good profit, but the difference with a real estate deal is that you can do it simply starting capital.

There are some domain names that you can get after doing a good search and research, whether it is about keywords you want to find a good domain name, or finding the right project name, then you can take advantage of domain reservation coupons like Godaddy to buy that domain name coupon Or a Nameship Coupon to get it for under $5 for a .com domain or some other special extension for under $1

To get started, here's a comprehensive guide and how to get started, step by step

5. Freelance Online

There are many freelance platforms and Arab and international microservice sites from which you can start earning a decent monthly income online.

To get started, go back to Freelancing on the Internet, Why and How to Start From Scratch, where you will find a series of articles on how to start freelancing on a freelance site and get the most out of your microservices site. Comprehensive guide to be a profit.

Fiverr website

Khamsat is an Arabic mini market, you must have experience in a particular field offered by the site, such as writing, design, programming, etc., in order for your service to be offered for $ 5, customers buy it with a commission of $ 5 per platform per $1 per meal.

The platform was founded by blogger Raouf Shabayek and won first place in the 2011 competition for the best Arab web project in the world of technology. In the same year, "Hasoub" company acquired the Khamsat platform, whose sales exceeded one million dollars during 2014.

independent site

An independent platform also affiliated with "Hasoub" company that opens the way for project owners and companies to contract with freelance professional translators to carry out work, allowing each project owner to display their projects on the platform and allowing freelancers to start providing the service to them. At an appropriate price for each person and a specific period so that the entrepreneur can choose the best offer and the best ability to achieve the project objectives.

The site has a commission of $15 for each project implemented through the platform, which includes about 120,000 freelance workers with diverse skills in writing, translation, proofreading, marketing, and more.

6. Content writing

There are many website owners who do not have enough time to write the content that they would like to publish on their sites; They turn to people who have the talent and ability to write articles and other materials in order to get a sum of money.

I will tell you here a little secret; I am one of those people who earn extra money by writing articles and selling them to website owners. If you have the ability and skills to write articles, why not register your name in some professional website and display your services properly? I assure you that you will find a good job through it. You just need patience and perseverance.

There are also the best sites where you can take advantage of writing articles on microservices and freelance sites that you learned in our previous method.

7. Profit from translation

Did you know that your fluency in Arabic in another language is a source of profit that you can invest in, and if you use it correctly, huge profit opportunities await you as many researchers are looking to translate information and search for translators to use in their research, many YouTube channels are looking for translators to translate video content And include it in their channel, so don't be lazy to use your fluent language to open wide door for you to have rich livelihood and earnings.

8. Earn money by providing remote design services

Many entrepreneurs and different companies need many necessary services to promote their business. For example, there are many companies that need to design a logo for their products, design an electronic interface for their website or develop it, design and manage their pages on social networks, graphic design, etc. if you are able to provide any of these services; You can make an offer that proves that you are qualified and skilled enough so that you can be selected from among the applicants and win deals and earn money from the internet.

9. Profit from providing consulting services

Some entrepreneurs need someone to conduct a feasibility study on a project they are thinking of building to determine their profitability and revenue generation capabilities, and they order it on some website. I would assure you that implementing such a service can be very profitable, but it requires experience and a lot of knowledge on how to prepare a feasibility study. You may have the necessary requirements, so what prevents you from showing what you have? May luck smile at you, can you make money? It can also provide you with consulting services that match your academic qualifications and work experience in a variety of areas including management, marketing, finance, law, engineering and even medicine. It is important that you have enough experience and up-to-date information to market yourself well by registering on the right websites and platforms and you will start making money from the internet.

10. Profit from Partnerships

One approach that some entrepreneurs may take is to form partnerships with socially active individuals to increase sales of their products; That is, they have a well-known and popular website or social media platform. Through this partnership, products are sold to consumers for an agreed upon percentage of commission on each sale. And here we would like to draw your attention to the importance of following your website or page to attract a large number of followers and fans; As this will make it the preferred marketing and sales method for entrepreneurs to showcase and sell their products. So you will find that you are monetizing the internet, possibly while you sleep!

11. Earning money by providing education and training services

Many scholars and experts in some fields use the Internet to provide education and training services; Where they write materials, courses and training programs, record them as video or audio clips, publish them to interested parties and followers, and then sell at the highest price. price. They also take advantage of the ads that appear at the beginning of the videos and earn a good amount of money from them. If you are one of them, try to collect interesting and useful scientific or training materials and display them on social media sites and platforms; It is a great way to monetize the internet.

12. Web browsing and publishing software

There is still a lot that is unknown about Brave browser, it is one of the popular browsers used by millions of users around the world due to its powerful features that distinguish it from other browsers, including that it is 8 times faster than Google Chrome, blocking ads, blocking website trackers and powerful privacy features such as The Tor browser that was built with it. With it, browse in an encrypted way that no one or your ISP can track, and many other benefits.

You can also make money on Brave using only the browser, the longer you use the browser, the more revenue you will earn by giving Brave, the browser is sent only to your monthly active users, it may start with a small profit and then double it depending on how active you are in the sustainability of your browser - plus However, you can activate the option to display ads that appear only based on your interests, thus increasing your earnings by displaying ads. In addition, you can display the financing image that you may display in front of you in the background of your browser's home page.

Why do browsers give you money to use browsers?

Simply because the browser is advertising itself and wants to expand its user base globally, and the browser brings you profits through its digital currency BAT, which is one of the most famous digital currencies like Bitcoin, so it also promotes the private currency, and because it is the creator of the currency, the profits you make It costs you nothing.

How will I get this money?

As we explain in BAT digital currency, you can exchange money in any way you want through many financial intermediaries, whether it is a transfer to your electronic banking account, a bank transfer, a money order, a transfer service from a telecom company or you wish, it is It is best for beginners who do not have any e-banking accounts or have problems receiving money in their country, or you can hold it until its price increases further and then sell it where you can trade it and convert it to Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies through Binance platform

But is winning $11 or more through the Brave Grants Program, plus winning ads and photos, a good win?

Of course not, you can only rely on that as you can earn real profits by subscribing to the Brave Publisher program. If you own a blog or YouTube channel, you can get tips through your followers and affiliate program.

Update: Brave Publishers has discontinued

you can do

Create a YouTube channel or website

Join Brave Publisher

Start encouraging your website visitors or subscribers to your channel to send you tips and start promoting your browser. I repeat here. Take advantage of Bing Ads coupons to promote your browser, especially in the US, due to the high commissions. They also care more about privacy and are always looking for safer ways on the Internet, unlike Arab countries. Your browser promotion will be useless because the commission is very small and it will be difficult to convince them to use a browser other than Google Chrome.

In conclusion, before you start using one of these platforms, you should understand exactly how the platform works and read the terms and laws of each individual platform, and then decide which one best suits your ambitions and matches the capabilities and skills you want. First, remember that living and working on these platforms requires patience and a long breath, and no matter how you choose to start making money from the Internet, the advantages are many, the most important of which is the rationality of the cost; For example, opening an online store website compared to opening a traditional store, the cost of the store is not high and the costs and fees required are high.

 On the other hand, online business is characterized by the breadth and diversity of its potential market, and it can include the whole world. Finally, work on the Internet continues 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; Now start making profit from the Internet. So, we learned how to make money from the Internet and the best ways and sites to make money and earn money.
